Learn what self-worth (Self-Love) is and how to manifest it in your life

Why self-love is the magic bullet
How to meet your own needs
How to create closure and let go
How to rebuild self-trust
How to create and feel self-value
How to enact self-love
How to maintain this new found love
How to approach dating and friendships

Course curriculum

    1. Disclaimer

    2. ACT 3 - Introducing the ACT of self love

    1. ACT 3.14 The ACT of Self Love

    2. ACT 3.14 The Gap In Us

    3. Journal reflection prompts

    4. ACT 3.14 Responding to distress

    5. Journal reflection prompts

    6. ACT 3.14 Soothing our old friends

    7. Journal reflection prompts

    8. ACT 3.14 Summary

    9. Your Feedback

    1. ACT 3.15 Introduction

    2. ACT 3.15 Lost Needs

    3. ACT 3.15 The need to heal

    4. ACT 3.15 Step One - Identifying thoughts or behaviours that ruminate

    5. Journal reflection prompts

    6. ACT 3.15 Step Two - Identifying the emotions that accompany the thoughts and behaviours

    7. Journal reflection prompts

    8. ACT 3.15 Step Three - Soothing our emotional needs

    9. Journal reflection prompts

    10. ACT 3.15 Step Four - Try, observe and learn

    11. Journal reflection prompts

    12. ACT 3.15 Step Five - Repeat

    13. ACT 3.15 Summary

    14. Your Feedback

    1. ACT 3.16 Post Traumatic Growth

    2. ACT 3.16 Triggering Growth

    3. ACT 3.16 When being a victim helps

    4. Journal reflection prompts

    5. ACT 3.16 Avoiding Regret and Shame

    6. Journal reflection prompts

    7. ACT 3.16 When being a victim doesn't help

    8. Journal reflection prompts

    9. ACT 3.16 Being a Survivor

    10. Journal reflection prompts

    11. ACT 3.16 Choosing to grow

    12. Journal reflection prompts

    13. ACT 3.16 Summary

    14. Your Feedback

    1. ACT 3.17 The unmet need for closure

    2. Journal reflection prompts

    3. ACT 3.17 002 Ending the love story

    4. ACT 3.17 Accepting our feelings

    5. Journal reflection prompts

    6. ACT 3.17 Look for our old friends getting in the way

    7. Journal reflection prompts

    8. ACT 3.17 Letting Go and Inviting In

    9. Journal reflection prompts

    10. ACT 3.17 Summary

    11. Your Feedback

    1. ACT 3.18 Introduction

    2. ACT 3.18 002 Start with being selfish

    3. Journal reflection prompts

    4. ACT 3.18 Integrating the past into our current self

    5. ACT 3.18 The focal point of the 3 ACTS- Self love

    6. ACT 3.18 Noticing your own Value

    7. Journal reflection prompts

    8. ACT 3.18 Baby Steps

    9. ACT 3.18 Summary

    10. Your Feedback

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  • 78 lessons

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