STEP 3 - Get Closure & Self-Worth (Self-Love)
An 8 x week programme that helps you to detach from your ex (stop thinking about them), to meet your needs and to build self-worth (self-love) that protects you from future abuse.
Why self-love is the magic bullet
How to meet your own needs
How to create closure and let go
How to rebuild self-trust
How to create and feel self-value
How to enact self-love
How to maintain this new found love
How to approach dating and friendships
ACT 3 - Introducing the ACT of self love
ACT 3.14 The ACT of Self Love
ACT 3.14 The Gap In Us
Journal reflection prompts
ACT 3.14 Responding to distress
Journal reflection prompts
ACT 3.14 Soothing our old friends
Journal reflection prompts
ACT 3.14 Summary
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ACT 3.15 Introduction
ACT 3.15 Lost Needs
ACT 3.15 The need to heal
ACT 3.15 Step One - Identifying thoughts or behaviours that ruminate
Journal reflection prompts
ACT 3.15 Step Two - Identifying the emotions that accompany the thoughts and behaviours
Journal reflection prompts
ACT 3.15 Step Three - Soothing our emotional needs
Journal reflection prompts
ACT 3.15 Step Four - Try, observe and learn
Journal reflection prompts
ACT 3.15 Step Five - Repeat
ACT 3.15 Summary
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ACT 3.16 Post Traumatic Growth
ACT 3.16 Triggering Growth
ACT 3.16 When being a victim helps
Journal reflection prompts
ACT 3.16 Avoiding Regret and Shame
Journal reflection prompts
ACT 3.16 When being a victim doesn't help
Journal reflection prompts
ACT 3.16 Being a Survivor
Journal reflection prompts
ACT 3.16 Choosing to grow
Journal reflection prompts
ACT 3.16 Summary
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ACT 3.17 The unmet need for closure
Journal reflection prompts
ACT 3.17 002 Ending the love story
ACT 3.17 Accepting our feelings
Journal reflection prompts
ACT 3.17 Look for our old friends getting in the way
Journal reflection prompts
ACT 3.17 Letting Go and Inviting In
Journal reflection prompts
ACT 3.17 Summary
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ACT 3.18 Introduction
ACT 3.18 002 Start with being selfish
Journal reflection prompts
ACT 3.18 Integrating the past into our current self
ACT 3.18 The focal point of the 3 ACTS- Self love
ACT 3.18 Noticing your own Value
Journal reflection prompts
ACT 3.18 Baby Steps
ACT 3.18 Summary
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