Answer the critical questions needed to set you free...

Why did I fall in love with my ex?

Why did I stay so long?

Why didn't I see it as abuse?

Why was it so hard to leave?

Why do I feel it is all my fault?

Why do I feel fear, obligation, guilt and shame?

Why do I feel drawn to the person who abuses me?

Is it / was it right to exit the relationship?

Course curriculum

    1. Disclaimer

    2. How to use the platform - intro video

    3. Introducing the GOGL programme

    4. How it feels and what to expect

    5. Prepare to Journal

    6. Please tell us a little about you (it helps us to help others!)

    1. Introducing ACT I: Getting an understanding of your own story

    2. Self Care alongside the programme

    1. ACT 1.1 Waking from a dream

    2. ACT 1.1 My Story

    3. ACT 1.1 Effect of waking up

    4. Journal reflection prompts

    5. ACT 1.1 The need to journal (for people new to journalling)

    6. ACT 1.1 How could we not see it

    7. Journal reflection prompts

    8. ACT 1.1 Why we cant see it

    9. Journal reflection prompts

    10. ACT 1.1 Pause and Process

    11. Journal reflection prompts

    12. ACT 1.1 Summary

    13. Journal reflection prompts

    14. ACT 1.1 Take what you need

    15. Your Feedback

    1. ACT 1.2 Hooked on Abuse

    2. Journal reflection prompts

    3. ACT 1.2 Love at first sight

    4. ACT 1.2 Love at first sight (part 2)

    5. Journal reflection prompts

    6. ACT 1.2 An emotional vulnerability

    7. Journal reflection prompts

    8. ACT 1.2 The addictive cycle

    9. Journal reflection prompts

    10. ACT 1.2 Hard pill to swallow

    11. Journal reflection prompts

    12. ACT 1.2: Soothing Triggered Trauma

    13. ACT 1.2 Pause and process story

    14. ACT 1.2 Summary

    15. ACT 1.2 The programme can feel tough

    16. What other GOGL users have said

    17. Your Feedback

    1. ACT 1.3 Misdirected love

    2. Journal reflection prompts

    3. ACT 1.3 A love story retold

    4. Journal reflection prompts

    5. ACT 1.3 Grooming

    6. Journal reflection prompts

    7. ACT 1.3 Introducing the FOGS

    8. Journal reflection prompts

    9. ACT 1.3 The FOGS that blind us

    10. Journal reflection prompts

    11. ACT 1.3 Pause and process your story

    12. Journal reflection prompts

    13. ACT 1.3 Summary

    14. What other GOGL users say....

    15. Your Feedback

    1. ACT 1.4 How to recognise abuse

    2. ACT 1.4 Abusive behaviours

    3. Journal reflection prompts

    4. ACT 1.4 Weighing up the decision to leave

    5. ACT 1.4 Noticing Abusive Behaviours (Text based)

    6. Journal reflection prompts

    7. ACT 1.4 Seeing abusers as adults

    8. Journal reflection prompts

    9. ACT 1.4 Normal or abusive

    10. Journal reflection prompts

    11. ACT 1.4 Pause and process

    12. Journal reflection prompts

    13. ACT 1.4 Summary

    14. Journal reflection prompts

    15. Your Feedback

About this course

  • £60.00
  • 93 lessons

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